The simple things in life

Posted by Jennifer Campoli on November 4th, 2010
Filed under Beachbody, Fabulous food | 2 Comments »


It's 48 degrees outside. It's also rainy, cold and windy. Gloom.

It's 66 degrees in my apartment. I refuse to turn on the heat. I'm stubborn like that. Chill.

But my warm cup o' joe is doing a mighty fine job warming up this body of mine. I think Mr. lasting-for-nearly-5-days-cold is finally on his way out the door. I'm ready to feel like myself again!

Simple things

My day started just as I like it. You see, I'm a simple gal. I'm from Texas. We may like things big but we also like things to be simple.

Breakfast today was simple. Snack tomorrow will be simple.

Basics: bagel thin or toast, slather of pumpkin butter, slather of peanut butter and 1/2  banana



Good fuel.

What else do you need in life?

My other simple meals and snacks:

  • banana smeared with peanut butter (notice the PB obsession!)
  • apple smeared in hummus with a slice of cheese
  • slice of toast with a pat of butter + an egg cooked over medium + salt + pepper
  • greek yogurt + fruit + granola
  • homemade pumpkin chocolate chip bars

Those are my absolute favorite go-tos. I really don't need anything else in life other than those options when hunger strikes. And of course there is a chocolate option in there. Chocolate is fuel. Enough said.

The other simple thing in my life is smoothies. I know. I talk about smoothies alot. Alot. Maybe too much?


I do have a love affair with them. But don't worry- my husband knows. And he accepts it.

In my world, my smoothies need "bulk." They need to satisfy me. I need to feel fed after I drink one.

My go-to smoothie ingredient is Shakeology. If you know me, you've heard about this product. I love it. In my opinion, it is the best protein powder/meal replacement option out there. Quality ingredients = Quality body. So imagine my excitement this week when Beachbody created two calendars with 60 Shakeology smoothie recipes? Oh yes. That was a good day.

So, check out this new calendar stock full of ideas and tasty ingredients to throw in that blender! I'm doing it. You should do it.

Shakeology 30 day calendar

Now I'm hungry. :)

Interested in Shakeology? I'll send you a sample for free, just 'cause I know you will love it!

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2 Responses to “The simple things in life”

  1. I adore simple meals. I think they are my favorites. Not only because they are quick and easy to make, but I really love being able to taste all the flavors fully.
    Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun´s last [type] much fun! &amp posting what i eat Q A

  2. Bee Haw says:

    Thanks for that. My son has a terrible aversion to eating raw fruit , so I make the fruit into smoothies for him and then he loves it! I also found some great smoothie recipes here and thought I'd share – lots of other great ideas there.

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