Going fitness crazy

Posted by Jennifer Campoli on October 26th, 2010
Filed under Fabulous food, Workouts | 3 Comments »

Let's start with the mess I made…

The front view

The back view

The worthwhile creation!

Friends, GM and I lost had grown apart for the past few months but now he is back. He is greener and tastier than EVER! Though I often make a mess during the creative moment- the taste, the experience and the energy is worth ever wipe on the counter!

Today's Green Monster:

  • 1 cup almond milk (or milk of choice)
  • 1 small container of Siggi's plain yogurt
  • 1 frozen banana
  • a few handfuls of glorious green spinach
  • 2 heaping spoonfuls of PB2
  • handful of ice cubes

The key ingredient today was my beloved Siggi's.


An icelandic yogurt that resembles greek yogurt consistency + taste PLUS provides you with a whopping 17 grams of protein per cup. If that ain't a stellar nutritional profiled I don't know what is! Thank goodness you were on sale this week Siggi's because I now have 5 more containers of you to play with. :)

Be a friend today, go make a green monster! It may just change your life!

Going Fitness Crazy

This coming Thursday I will be completing my Mad Dogg spinning certification. I am psyched, I am ready. I am so in love with the thought that I will be teaching classes that I don't even know what to do! That will be one piece of this big dream I have.

As I have prepared for the certification (which will involved nearly 3 hours of spinning on that day alone), I was faced with the task of increasing my fitness endurance. Similar to any fitness feat, I knew I needed to plan. I needed to train just like someone running a 10K or any race of that matter would.

Why? Here is the fact: in order to properly increase your body's endurance, you need to progressively, slowly and ever so thoughtfully build it up.

When I started running about 7 years ago I wanted to run a marathon. I thought that to be a runner, I had to do the big guy race. I had to run those 26.2 miles.

So I jumped into training. I could barely run a mile but I started my 16 week program and didn't look back.

What happened?

Month 1 I had knee pain.

Month 2 I had shin splints.

Month 3 my IT band was so out of whack that I ultimately bowed out of the race.

Result: injury, pain, frustration, let down.

If I had done some research, asked a few questions and given myself the opportunity to learn a few things I likely would have had a very different experience.

Two months ago I signed up for my spinning certification. I already had a decent fitness endurance behind me but I knew I would need to increase that level to do well, stay injury free and feel as fantastic as I wanted to.

My lessons learned don't just apply to someone running a marathon or completing a certification program. These lessons apply to any individual looking to increase or change their fitness level.

Here are a few key points that may help you along the way and give you the best and most positive experience:

1. Only change one thing at a time. With exercise you can change your intensity, your time, the frequency and even the activity itself. So start with one piece of the equation. Begin there and give yourself at least two weeks to adapt to this new change. For instance, I changed my frequency of spin workouts. For two weeks I took two classes. And then I progressed from there.

2. If you are increasing distance or time, increase by only 10%. You may have heard that rule in running programs. I have applied that rule to every form of fitness that I enjoy. I don't increase anything by more than 10%  a week if I am on a prescribed training program. Much more than that- my body fights back at some point, somehow and usually with an injury.

3. Don't forget to listen! Listen to that beautiful thing that carries you everywhere you want to go, moves when you say move and stops when you say stop. Pay attention to your body. Engage your mind as you workout and cue in to your muscles, your heart rate, your breathing. If something is uncomfortable- STOP! If you feel that you can push a bit further- PUSH! But don't ever ignore your body for the sake of completing a workout or meeting your goal for the day.

4. The key to fitness is fun. If you prioritize fitness in your life then you and I both know that exercising is here to stay for life. Exercise is a huge part of the health equation so whatever you do in your fitness world, make sure it is fun in your eyes! Or else, it won't last friend! You will find yourself bored, demotivated, distracted and ultimately not getting the results you are looking for. There are too many incredible things in this world to do for exercise so make sure you love it! If you haven't found it yet, keep trying new things.

So, how have you changed your fitness routine? What has been your experience when you look to take things up to a new level?

Now, time to head off for my final spin class. I'm going to take it EASY EASY today.

Have a great one!

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3 Responses to “Going fitness crazy”

  1. Those are all such great tips and a topic that needs to be shared. We have to ease into things so as to avoid injury. Plus its fun to have room to grow and continued progress. :)
    Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun´s last [type] ..roll me home

  2. Jenn says:

    Thank you lady! :)

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