A bit of SELF love

Posted by Jennifer Campoli on February 14th, 2011
Filed under Motivation, Self esteem | No Comments »


Oh Valentine's Day.

A day that some love. A day that some hate. A day that can be like any other day or it can be slightly, hugely or amazingly different.

I was inspired this morning when I stopped by Angela's corner.

You see, I am a giver. I love to make people feel good. I like to do, to give, to share. I like to love. Last week when I took a character strength survey (go have fun and do it!) the top strength on my list was the capacity to love and to be loved. I like love. :)

But I haven't been very good at giving it to myself.

Not very good at all. And I bet there are a few of you out there who fit the same mold.

Insecurities, doubt, lacking confidence, fear, wishful thinking about what life could be if I was…or…or…or…you fill in the blank. Those are the collection of things that get in the way of loving ourself.

But here is the catch about love + life. When you love yourself fully, when you love yourself wholly, life will begin in new ways.

I've experienced life on both sides. For 15 years I loved everyone else in my world except for me. Instead of being kind to me, being gentle to me, I would beat myself down on a regular and moment to moment basis. As a result I didn't let anyone, not anyone, fully into my life. I was consumed with my doubt, insecurities, upset, frustration about my body, my weight, and my life. I was always frustrated with me. It was my private battle and no one else was allowed in. No one was allowed quite close enough to get a taste of it.

With no conscious awareness, I kept everyone in my life at a prescribed distance.

I missed moments, missed opportunities, missed chances to connect, missed chances to be REAL. I missed chances to be loved.

And when I finally woke up and wanted something different, I had to start with ME. I had to start with loving ME right then, right there, no more, no less. Then…only then did life start to change dramatically! My relationships grew and deepened, I began to laugh a lot more, I began to see my friends with new eyes.

I had to be my own Valentine every single day.

So that is my wish for you today friends.


Love YOU today fully and wholly. Write yourself a love letter as Angela did. Take yourself to the spa. Treat yourself to something special. Buy yourself a gorgeous piece of 75% chocolate with ginger in the middle (yes, I already did that for myself this morning). Take yourself to the wine store and buy a bottle of your favorite. Call a loved one to make YOU feel special instead of just the other.


Love you TODAY. No more, no less. Exactly as you are.

A very special Happy Valentine's Day to you all!

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