Letting go of perfection

Posted by Jennifer Campoli on September 21st, 2010
Filed under Motivation, Self esteem | No Comments »

Morning friends!

How am I finding you today? Feeing fantastic I hope? If not, then start right now! :) Do something wonderful for yourself at this very moment. Go for a 5 minute walk if fall is in the air and the sun is out. Make yourself your favorite cup of tea or coffee. Call a close friend who makes you smile. Do something unexpected.

Things have been a bit wild and crazy around here! My weekend involved a 15 passenger van, over 200 miles of driving, sleeping in the front seat for 3 hours and some gorgeous fall sittings in New Hampshire. Life is never boring if you don't want it to be!

And this weekend I am gearing up for a 9 mile hike up to the top of Mount Greylock in the Berkshires of MA. A good friend and I are climbing the hills as part of the MS Bike/Hike event. I am hoping to capture the entire fall season and foliage with my camera. I think it's going to be a fabulous day!

So on to a few thoughts I had this morning…

Letting go of perfection

How many of you wonderful people out there strive for perfection? Raise your hands! I'm joining ya!

Ever since I was a little girl I can remember wanting to make everything perfect. My dolls, my room, my dress, the bows in my hair. I wanted it all perfect. Classic girlie girl I was! But this desire continued into highschool, through college and into this thing we call adulthood.

Without ever expecting anyone around me to be perfect, I always demanded that I should be perfect. And it's starting to get hard. It's starting to be a burden because, here's the thing: I am not perfect. And neither are you. And that is such a beautiful thing!

And I'm realizing that maybe, just maybe I don't want to be perfect anymore. Because perfect means frustration, never feeling content, forgetting to embrace the day, ignoring all the good that you already have, soaking up the simple moments that can slip by. Perfect to me means never feeling good enough. And I think I'm tired of feeling that way.

Being "not" perfect means being unique, being authentic, real, alive, and myself.

So over the past few weeks I have started to think and write about who I really do want to be, what I want my life to feel like, what I want my days to feel like. Part of my inspiration has come from the wonderful and thoughtful Tina. Over at Faith, Fitness and Fun, Tina began a movement called 30 Days of Self Love. Through daily posts of inspiration and comments from readers and visitors, I have started to let go of this idea of perfection. I don't even want it anymore! Striving for perfection in my world means that I miss out on all the fantastic things that are happening around me!

Instead of worrying about what I should do, I want to just do. Instead of thinking about all of the pointless reasons I'm not good enough, why not start focusing on what I am good at and what I want to learn more of?

You see, my effort to be perfect has left me behind in my life. Too much time focused on not being good enough.

Well, the time for that is over!

So, here I am, letting go of perfection.

Today is a much better day. :)

So, say hello! Tell me how you feel about perfection? Is it something you worry about? Or is it not?

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