Graduation + the Examiner

Posted by Jennifer Campoli on April 8th, 2010
Filed under Coaching, Well Coaches | 2 Comments »

Hello there, how are ya?

I'd like to comment for a moment on the bizarre weather here in Boston. A 36 hour recap for you…

  • Tuesday evening I took a stroll to our rooftop around 9 pm. It was a cool 55 degrees. Jenn thinks, "there is no way it's going to be 84 tomorrow."
  • Wednesday morning at 11 am I took a stroll to our rooftop. It was a warm 82 degrees. Jenn thinks, "Wow, I guess it is going to be 84." I planted myself on that roof and worked for nearly 3 hours as the temperature reached 89!
  • Thursday afternoon I take a stroll to our rooftop. It is now a chilly 52 degrees and clouds have moved in. Jenn thinks, "how in the world is it possible that we have dropped nearly 35 degrees from yesterday?"

As they say friends, if you are bored in Boston just wait 5 minutes and the weather will give you something different! :)

Well Coaches completion

Yesterday was a BIG BIG BIG day for me friends! I completed my wellness coaching training with Well Coaches. Wow! I cannot believe 14 weeks have gone by already and now I am a trained wellness coach! That feels pretty gosh darn incredible to be perfectly honest. I have learned so so much about myself, others, behavior, change, wellness, health, fitness and best of all: how to help others make their life as grand as they want it to be! I have never been this excited about my future as a professional. Rather, my future in it's entirety! This is just an incredible time right now and I am SO glad you are here to celebrate with me!

To add to my excitement: I was also offered an opportunity to write for The Examiner! is considered to be an inside source for everything in your local community. From soccer to healthy living to art to gossip and beyond…Examiners write about it! I will be writing as a Boston Adaptive Fitness examiner, offering my knowledge, training, expertise and thrifty use of words. Such a fun way to connect with more people and communities! I don't have the details yet but I will have an page where I post about 3 articles each week! Will give you more when I receive. I hope you will stop by and check out my writing!

So, needless to's been a week full of celebrating! I am savoring and relishing every moment right now.

But…with good opportunity comes work. I have SO MUCH to do for building my coaching business. I have a million ideas so I need to pick one area and get started. It's amazing what you don't think about in terms of building a business and I'm very very very slowly learning. I will share everything as it happens friends! Get ready for quite the ride!

My learning

Now that I have come to a close in the wellness coaching program, I wanted to share some of my "big" takeaways..the aha's that I had about improving our health, wellness, nutrition, fitness or general well being.

1. You have the power to do ANYTHING! A quote by Henry Ford was used often in my program: “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” Your beliefs in your own ability and what you can accomplish lies in your own hands! If you believe in yourself, you will experience more power and success in whatever you put your mind to. It's such a simple but crazy powerful idea. If you change your mindset…your belief and power is unstoppable!

2. Use powerful motivators. How many people have you met who know what they need to do to change? They know they need to sleep more, eat more fruit and vegetables, exercise regularly, take care of their health or lose weight. We have the "basic facts!" We have the information but what we are often missing is a powerful motivator. A motivator that means something to you and the values you hold. Why lose weight if it is just because your doctor said to do so? Instead, lose weight because you want to be a positive role model for your child or your partner or your struggling friend or because you want to accomplish a race. If you define motivators that SPEAK TO you, that is where change can begin!

3. Give your goals life. A few weeks ago I said that I was going to start a new workout challenge: The Variety Challenge! It was focused on trying new workouts a few days a week in addition to what I was already doing. Well, I have to be honest: I haven't really been following through with that challenge! And you know why? I didn't make my goals COME TO LIFE! I didn't think about the goal and picture what it would feel like, look like, where it would fit in, what time, when, where, for how long. I didn't allow my goals to come to life in my own mind which would carry me forward in setting specific and attainable tasks. Give you goals LIFE! Feel them!

4. Celebrate celebrate celebrate! How often do you focus on what isn't working? How often do you focus on what isn't going well, what you did wrong, what you still haven't done? Just think about it for a minute. It's incredible how much time we spend focusing on what we aren't doing and what is going wrong in our life. Now, we can't ignore when something is wrong BUT we can do something: we can celebrate WHAT IS ALREADY THERE! We can celebrate the good moments, the successes whether they are huge or tiny. We can focus on the good in our life in order to move forward and change what isn't positive. Always take time to celebrate your day and what you have done!

I could probably go on for a while but I think I'll save some of my thoughts for another time. :)

This experience has been life changing friends. I am overwhelmed with how much the program with Well Coaches has changed me and my life and my future.

I hope you have an absolutely FABULOUS DAY! I will see you tomorrow for something fun and exciting!

Till then :)

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2 Responses to “Graduation + the Examiner”

  1. BostonRunner says:

    Boston weather has been crazy! And today its supposed to rain – what?
    Congrats on completing your training!!
    .-= ´s last blog ..New Philosophy =-.

  2. admin says:

    Hey there!

    This weather is all around funky! 50 for a high and now rain? Craziness!!!

    Thanks for the congrats as well and for stopping by. :)

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