Challenge Day **1**

Posted by Jenn @ livewellfit on February 9th, 2010
Filed under Beachbody, Motivation, Workouts | 5 Comments »


First check in for my workout challenge! Woohoo! Missed the schedule that I'm embarking on? Look at ME!

So far day 1 has been an absolutely lovely day. I was up early..well, actually I'm lying. I woke up at 6:30 and proceeded to lay in bed until 7:30 literally thinking about a million different things. My mind was racing but my body was still coming out of REM cycle. Entertaining nonetheless! I guess thinking and constructing todo lists while laying in bed ain't such a bad thing?

Real foods check in. I made an awesome oatmeal breakfast. The house was super chilly and I needed some tea and oats pronto! Into the pan went my old fashioned oats, a handful of frozen strawberries and about 1/2 c. of almond milk (I heart thee). Dash of vanilla extract followed with a drizzle of agave when it came off the stove. Filled me up perfectly and made my belly a happy one. (I PROMISE I will start taking pictures to make life more interesting on this blog). Step 1: camera is in kitchen. Step 2 to come: snap shots.

To the workout. I sit here typing all nice and sweaty after one heck of a TurboKick workout. Since I'm certified to teach TurboKick I have all of the DVDs provided to instructors, so combine those with my TuboJam collection + Beachbody DVDs I have about 40 or so options when I want to do a cardio workout. :) Hehe. Today I picked Turbo Round 32. It kicked my behind all over the place! My arms feel like jello and my legs like jam. Good job Jenn.

Directly across from my apartment is a hotel (probably 1 block away) and level to our windows is the workout facility for guests. Basically I can see anyone in the gym at my eye level from the living room. I often start my workout and wave to any guests on the treadmil or eliptical, in hopes that maybe together we will work out harder. Not really but it does make me laugh to think of what THEY think when they see me jumping all over the place, punching, jabbing, singing and such. :) Good stuff!

Anywho, workout is DONE! Check. Now I'm off to make a smoothie for lunch…I'm thinking chocolate and banana of sorts are in my future! Tonight I have decided to cook some pork in a 3 mustard sauce, baked sweet potato OR quionoa and roasted broccoli. Drooling? I AM!

I leave you with a link to an incredible website that fellow blogger, Caitlin on Healthy Tipping Point has created. The site is titled Operation Beautiful, a name and movement coined by Caitlin. Visit here: Operation Beautiful.  Do a favor for yourself and take a moment to look at the magic Caitlin has spread in stopping negative self talk in women and every individual in this world. She is a very empowered lady and is now writing a book and spreading her message. Grab a new package of your favorite post-its and continue Operation Beautiful. This will be one powerful message! I have started to leave an operation beautiful note in Boston or wherever I am each day. Try it…feels awesome!

Till next time friends.

And by the way, come on over and say hi if you visit!

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5 Responses to “Challenge Day **1**”

  1. My roommates and I used to do TurboJam ALL the time in college and we loved it!

    Operation Beautiful is awesome, isnt it! :)

  2. Hi Janna!

    Operation Beautiful really is incredible. I love love the message!
    I love that you guys did Turbo in college! I can never get enough of that stuff or that girl.

  3. Heather says:

    That's cool you're certified to teach TurboKick!! great workout!

  4. Hey Heather! In my opinion…there is nothing better than a TurboKick workout. I have the time of my life during that hour!

  5. Mmmmm . . . choco and banana is a great combo!

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