fitness Magazine surprise!

Posted by Jennifer Campoli on December 20th, 2010
Filed under Health News, Upcoming news, Wellness, Workouts | 3 Comments »

Hey there! :)

How was your last full weekend before the holidays? We went NON STOP over here in Boston! My birthday was on Friday and my mom spent the weekend with us to play before Christmas. It was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

I started my birthday week with a haircut…sometimes a girl just needs to be pampered and coiffed, what can I say!

Then I was greeted on Friday with the new Fitness magazine!

I had been anxiously awaiting for this issue in hopes that I might see someone rather familiar somewhere in there…

Check me out!

So fun! Who knew responding to a fun question on Facebook could lead to new things. :) The article is called "when thinspiration strikes" targeting how simple aha moments can lead to health and fitness changes in your life. There were some fantastic other women featured in there including Tina and Julie.

Check out the article HERE. My feature is slide 6. :)

January issue magazines have now hit the stands. Lead cover lines call for you to drop 2 sizes in 4 weeks, get sexy legs with these 5 simple moves, use this diet plan to lose those last 5 pesky pounds. It is EVERYWHERE. A tad overwhelming if you are someone who is looking to lose weight, change your  body, improve your health, begin a new fitness routine.

I want to make one suggestion for each of you wonderful guys n gals out there. If you are looking to commit to new health, fitness, nutrition or life goals at the start of January remember SIMPLICITY. I know, I use that word A LOT. Quite a bit. Nearly every week. It's just 'cause I love it!


resolutions, goals, change, commitment can be long lasting if you approach your life with simple choices. Simple choices that you make all day long. Ditch the overwhelming plans, let go of something that doesn't speak to you. Find what is meaningful in your heart, commit to that lifestyle and begin with a choice here, a choice there. The beauty of small choices is their cumulative power. Momentum, change, improvement build and build and build.

So this week when you check me out in Fitness, when you survey the other magazines calling your name, when you look at the fabulous deals on gyms that begin in January…remind yourself that change can be simple!

Here is how simplicity plays out in my life these days…

I move my body with exercise nearly everyday. The key is exercise must be FUN.

I drink a gazillion glasses of water throughout the day because it just makes me feel good (and forces me to always be close to a bathroom).

I try new things in the kitchen for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I choose to have something sweet just about every day.

I decide to feed my body when it calls for food and I never deprive.

I shop for food that is colorful- it makes my fridge look pretty and offers me variety.

I choose health by listening to my body by nourishing it in the way that is best for ME- and that changes almost everyday.

I always stop myself when I say I can't have/do/eat/enjoy. The word can't got me nowhere in life.

I wake up and look at my goals- a perfect reminder of what my day is about, what I'm striving for and what my focus should be.

I tell myself at least 10 times a day that I can do this, whatever "this" is.

Share time! What simple choices do you make throughout the day that enhance your health, body, mindset, and dreams?

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3 Responses to “fitness Magazine surprise!”

  1. Congrats on fitness magazine!! That is awesome!!! I am starting on the mindframe of nutrition for my body and what makes me feel good. Not based on calories/fat etc. (that is what I used to do). I feel so much better when I eat foods that actually give me what my body needs and I am becoming more aware of that.
    Caree @ Fit-Mama´s last [type] ..Mberry Tablet Review

  2. Jenn says:

    Hey there Caree! Thanks for the congrats. That is SO awesome that you are looking to tap into what your body truly needs rather than fooling around with all of those numbers. It takes a great deal of work and willingness to learn but beginning to listen to your body is incredible! I promise you it will tell you exactly what it needs!

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