Turbo Kick I heart thee!

Posted by Jennifer Campoli on December 7th, 2010
Filed under Beachbody, Goals, Group Fitness, Motivation | 2 Comments »


Today has been a most incredible day and it's only 10:13 am! Friends, this one will go down in the books.

It all started when my alarm went off at 5:15 am. I had been checking the time since 3:30 because you see…I was getting up to do something I had been planning for over 2 years.

I jumped up with a hungry + slightly nervous but excited belly.

A quick meal of a bagel thin plus a smear of my new jar of peanut butter. I swoon…

I put on the clothes I had set out and jumped in to the car to head to Healthworks.

I was greeted by new faces and a gorgeous gym studio.

And a new, special gal in my life joined to support me. Many thanks to you girl!

At 6:30 am it all began.

I taught my very first TURBOKICK class.

And guys…I am more alive than I ever have been! It was awesome, it was incredible. I am inspired.

But most importantly I am reminded that I am destined to be a teacher, a motivator even.

I have been doing TurboJam (the in home program version of TurboKick) for over 2 years. It all started with that first video and discovering Chalene Johnson. Exercise took on new meaning. Moving my body took on new meaning. I have since jumped into the world of Chalean Xtreme, TurboFire and Insanity.

But there was always something in the back of my head that said I should teach. I even became certified over a year ago! But oh how worry and doubt can get the best of us friends.

After a year of thinking, wondering, waiting, questioning, hoping and then thinking again, I finally took the plunge and reached out to Healthworks.

It was worth the wait. Today it felt AWESOME! :)

Sometimes we are reminded of who we are. Sometimes we are reminded what passion can feel like. Sometimes we are reminded that stepping out of that comfort zone, that doing something that you might even fail at, is where we discover new paths and life can become greater than before!

So, my message today to you friends is unexpected but simple:

Find what you love, do what you love. Even if it's hard, scary or everything in between!

Holiday Tip

Don't worry…I didn't forget the next tip for ya :)

Make a list of positives!!!

Along with the glorious food, hectic shopping, party going and festive memories, the holiday season is also the close of our year. It is a time where we start thinking about what is ahead…what can this year be for me? What do I want to do different? What goals do I want to set? What list of resolutions will be hanging on the wall come January 1?


Rather than focusing on what you haven't done, what you neglected, what you want to change, or how you want to improve, start by making a list of positives! What are your best qualities? What do you LOVE about yourself right here and now? What have you done this year that you want to celebrate?

WRITE IT DOWN! Thinking isn't enough. Writing gives your ideas LIFE!


Begin planning for the New Year with a set of New Year Affirmations! Celebrate YOU!

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