Cyber Monday + holiday tips

Posted by Jennifer Campoli on November 29th, 2010
Filed under Beachbody, Coaching | 2 Comments »

Hello there friends!

How are ya on this fine day?

Are you as surprised as me that Thanksgiving has come and gone AND we are just two days away from December? Gracious me! :)

I arrived back home from our glorious time in Arizona on Saturday. Yesterday was spent reorganizing, cleaning, doing laundry and catching up on everything that I missed. Having a full day back from vacation before the start of the week is the best thing ever!

So…who scored some good deals this past Friday in the stores? Any Black Friday fans out there? We stayed at the house, enjoyed the sunshine and admired all the crazed shoppers who had been up since 3 am!

But today is the newest shopping "holiday"…CYBER MONDAY! For all us online junkies who spend the majority of our time finding deals, searching for free shipping and exploring our favorite shops with our fingertips.


The world wide web…how I love thee.

I have lined up all of my email deals over here and am planning to go into attack mode as soon as I finish chatting with you!

But of course I have to offer a Cyber Monday deal here at Live Well Fit Now, don't I?!?!

So, here are the fabulous deals that I have crafted up for you:

Beachbody FREE bonus!

Order ANY product from my online fitness and nutrition retail store at Beachbody and you will receive two bonus products from yours truly. Think Shakeology samples, bonus workout DVDs, and much much more. I have some incredible things to give out over here friends so get clicking! And remember…along with your product you receive my fitness and health coaching for FREE! Free friends free!

Start here to check out the products. Click on SHOP. Then email me to receive your prize! livewellfit09 (at) gmail (dot) com

Wellness Coaching sessions!

Ready to kick your life up to the next level this month? Purchase any wellness coaching package from me and you will receive 25% off your entire package! As many sessions as you would like at one fabulous discount. Only today! Check out my package options here and then email me to get started! livewellfit09 (at) gmail (dot) com

Holiday tips coming your way

We are full fledge into the holiday season now folks. A time where things get busy, food is plentiful, the sun is gone by 6 and many of us find ourselves wanting to hibernate the winter away.

I've come up with a fantastic list of my health, fitness and nutrition HOLIDAY TIPS for ya! Each day I will give out a handful of them to help make this holiday season a time for you to focus on feeling your best, feeling healthier than you did the day before, pushing your fitness and indulging in all the foods you desire without the weight gain. Say what? :)

Now, today's tip:

Forget perfection!

Who woke up the day after Thanksgiving swearing to never eat again and proclaiming that lettuce, fruit, sweet potatoes, and chicken breast were going to be the only foods in your life for the next week? So many, so many, many, many people try to balance out a day/meal/week of indulgence by demanding perfection. I must do this, can only eat this, have to avoid this…ultimately what this leads to is losing your sanity, a mind that feels out of control, a body that feels deprived and frustrated, and theĀ all or nothing attitude that is a brilliant set up for failure.

My all or nothing attitude used to go like this: must do this, cannot do that. The minute I didn't do this and ended up eating that I would go crazy! "Well Jenn, today is ruined so how about we go back into the work break room and eat ALL of those donuts in sight. And while we're at it, let's eat a bowl of candy for dinner because tomorrow is bootcamp day." Enter weight gain, upset, and yet another holiday season where I swore to never do that again.

All or nothing and striving for perfection sets you up for stress, stress, stress guys.

Instead this holiday season strive for simple, healthy choices. No all or nothing. Just a bit of this, try some of that. Indulge in this and balance it out with that. Balance, variety and moderation friends can be a wonderful thing!

So go eat the leftover stuffing if you really want it. Throw a salad on the side, maybe some fruit in the afternoon and then call it a day! Don't demand that your plate be full of the perfect "healthy" foods. Balance, variety and moderation are your new best friends.

Enjoy this holiday season. Be good to yourself. Don't demand perfection. Just be kind and strive for choices in your life that feel GOOD!

Any holiday tips you would like to share or topics you want to hear about over here?

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2 Responses to “Cyber Monday + holiday tips”

  1. […] Cyber Monday + holiday tips […]

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